
May 17th, 2009





这里推荐一个可以作为英文学习的优秀平台:Asiaing.com(亚洲进行时),该网站收集和提供了互联网上的免费eBooks与电子杂志等英文材料资源,网站色调以朴素白为主,多栏布局,继承了典型的Web2.0风格,在网站右上角还能通过按钮来自由调整全站字体的尺寸,英语爱好者可以以订阅RSS或者注册会员的方式即时获取英文资源的收录和更新,包括商业、计算机科学、医学、生物、哲学、时尚等行业内容。个人感觉Asiaing.com的更新速率和资源质量还是很卓越的,也很方便通过检索的方式有目的性的寻找适合自己的信息,在FeedBurner上已有超过4000名订阅用户,不同于商业网站,作为互联网资源贡献渠道的补充,Asiaing.com由一个松散的志愿者联盟进行运作,他们致力于让知识变得随手可得、使每一个有能力上网和有能力阅读的人都能得到和分享知识——这是一个相当宏大的梦想,但是互联网就是诞生奇迹的原生乐土,谁敢说下一个维基百科式的辉煌不会在明天诞生?而且Asiaing.com也是一个节省成本的手段,琳琅满目的英文实体杂志和书籍会随着订购数量的攀升而对个人财务造成负担,充分利用互联网中的免费资源是一项值得灵活运用的技巧,而且Asiaing.com还提供注册会员的Free subscriptions(杂志免费订阅)服务,在填写一份申请表格后,便有机会得到商业版权杂志的免费订阅服务,包括印刷版和电子版两种,这亦是这个网站吸引我的地方之一。

互联网时代意味着社会化网络的普及,在梦想随时都在变为现实的今天,世界各地的人都有机会成为语言学习伙伴,学习英文不再是一个枯燥而乏味的进度表,相反,各类平台和工具的鲜活应用让它成为习惯的一部分,摩西英语的作者摩西信奉来自公元九世纪时查理曼大帝的一句名言:“学习另一种语言就是去拥有第二个灵魂。(To learn a second language is to own another soul.)”。同以这句名言,与所有英语爱好者共勉。


May 16th, 2009


《泰晤士报高等教育特刊》自2004年起,每年公布全球大学排名,今年首次独立评审亚洲的大学,以师生国际化程度、国际级研究实力、教学质素及交流情况等作为评分指标,选出最佳的100所。该刊总监Nunzio Quacquarelli称,香港的大学在各方面表现突出,巩固香港作为教育枢纽的地位。





北大排名第10 清华仅列第15位

全球领先的职业与教育网络机构QS公司(Quacquarelli Symonds)昨日首次公布亚洲最佳200所大学排行榜,在亚洲最佳的前10所大学中,香港的大学占了3所,其中香港大学名列榜首,香港中文大学排名第2,香港科技大学排名第4。








专家分析 这个排名对升学选择具有指导意义



亚洲十佳大学 排名大学 学费






















5.12 汶川地震一周年

May 12th, 2009

5.12 汶川地震一周年

Golf in Germany

April 23rd, 2009

Do you like to play golf? If you say yes, I will introduce you to play golf in Germany. So if you are now in Germany you can review this site Golf to know more information.

Golf is a sport in which players using many types of clubs including woods, irons, and putters, attempt to hit balls into each hole on a golf course in the lowest possible number of strokes. Golf is one of the few ball games that does not use a standardized playing area; rather, the game is played on golf “courses”, each one of which has a unique design and typically consists of either 9 or 18 holes. Golf is defined in the Rules of Golf as “playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with the Rules”.

Golf competition is generally played as stroke play, in which the individual with the lowest number of strokes is declared the winner, or as match play with the winner determined by whichever individual or team posts the lower score on the most individual holes during a complete round.

If you want to play golf in Germany but you don’t have the equipment、golf license that is necessary to play golf in Germany and you don’t know where to go ?Please don’t feel unhappy .I can offer you a website to slove all of these problems.In Germany there is a website that offers news and Holiday and have the biggest online shop.They offer golf holidays (Golfreisen) and offer a golf license that is necessary to play golf in Germany (platzreife).They all offer online shopping possibilities our golf shop is the biggest in Germany and offer all major brand.

So if you are now in Germany please don’t miss this chance to play golf,and don’t forget to visit the above website!

Genes and Cells

December 22nd, 2008

Stem cell efforts take steps
Resetting no longer requires DNA-altering viruses

After the landmark achievement in late 2007 of reverting human adult skin cells to an embryonic stem cell–like state — a technique that does not involve creating or destroying human embryos — stem cell researchers have a new focus. In 2008 they worked on improvements to this technique that could make the cells safe for medical therapies. Read the rest of this entry »

Credit Union Robbery Suspect Charged

December 21st, 2008

Law enforcement says it was teamwork that led to the quick arrest just five hours after Thursday’s Credit Union Robbery. 24-year-old Denver Tergesen was charged in Becker County with felony possession of a stolen vehicle. He is being held in the Becker County jail. Fargo police say the firearm Tergesen allegedly used in yesterday morning’s robbery of the First Community Credit Union in Fargo, was not real. They recovered the weapon late last night after arresting Tergeson with a stolen car in Detroit lakes. Investigators say it appears to be an “airsoft pistol.” Read the rest of this entry »

S&P downgrades 11 top global bank credit ratings

December 21st, 2008

From uk.reuters.com | Reporting by Natalie Harrison and Dena Aubin

LONDON (Reuters) – Standard & Poor’s downgraded the credit ratings of 11 top global banks Friday including Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan, citing increased industry risk and a deepening economic slowdown.

The agency cut its ratings on Citigroup (C.N), Morgan Stanley (MS.N) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N) each by two notches.

It cut Bank of America (BAC.N), JP Morgan Chase (JPM.N) and Wells Fargo (WFC.N) by one notch.

In Europe, S&P shaved one notch off the ratings of Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS. It kept the rating of HSBC Bank, part of HSBC Holdings Plc, at “AA: but downgraded its outlook to negative from stable. Read the rest of this entry »

Credit card changes will give consumers a break

December 21st, 2008

The rules from federal regulators represent a sweeping change. But the new limits on fees and rates don’t start until 2010.

From?latimes.com?By Tiffany Hsu?December 19, 2008

Responding to rising consumer complaints, federal regulators Thursday adopted the most sweeping new rules for the credit card industry in three decades, including tougher restrictions on interest rate hikes and late fees.

The regulations, which take effect in July 2010, would block card companies from applying higher interest rates on existing balances. Late fees could not be charged without giving consumers at least 21 days to make a payment. Read the rest of this entry »

Card companies adjusting credit limits

December 21st, 2008

For some, lowering based on where they shop

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Sunday, December 21, 2008
From www.ajc.com

Kevin D. Johnson returned from a dreamy Jamaican honeymoon in October eager to check out wedding photos and help his new wife open stacks of beautifully wrapped wedding gifts.

Before getting distracted by the fun stuff, the 29-year-old entrepreneur opened the mail. Johnson’s mood soured when he got to a letter from American Express, saying it had slashed the credit limit on his account. Read the rest of this entry »

Windows takes beating, ‘7’ steps into view

December 21st, 2008

By Ina Fried From CNET News

Probably the biggest deal of 2008 for Microsoft was the deal that didn’t happen–its multibillion-dollar offer for Yahoo. But, since there was so much drama there, we did a separate “year in review” story on that topic. Read the rest of this entry »